To make a donation using a credit card, please contact WVAFCC Executive Director Patricia Rouse Pope for the credit card form. 304.414.5941 or email at [email protected].
To pay by check, click here to print form out and send it in.
Why Support West Virginia's Free & Charitable Clinics?
Because West Virginia's Free & Charitable Clinics:
- Provide $25 of care for every $1 of funding to needy West Virginians due to the overwhelming support of over 1,000 medical and dental volunteers.
- Provide comprehensive health care, specialty care, dental care, pharmaceutical, behavior health, lab and diagnostic tests, and health education services.
- Care for over 50,000 uninsured, underinsured, and medically underserved West Virginians. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of WV's Free & Charitable Clinics' patients remain uninsured despite the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
- Reduce ER and hospitalization costs by keeping patients healthy and working. (Eighty percent (80%) of WV's Free & Charitable Clinic patients are employed.)
- Must keep their doors open so their 50,000+ patients can keep their medical and, in some cases, dental home and have continued access to care since most private practices cap Medicaid and uninsured patients at 3%.
Supporting WV's Free & Charitable Clinics is a smart economic decision and helps control health care costs. One of these clinics may have already helped you or a relative, friend, or co-worker!